This is us.
This is us.
Kingdom come, will be done.
Our pursuit is to bring Heaven to Earth. Our prayer is Kingdom come. Our petition is that God's will be done.
We believe in.
The Bible
Jesus Christ
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Water Baptism
Jesus' blood
Jesus Christ in all believers
The baptism in the Holy Spirit
The gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Church
The Bible • Trinity • Jesus Christ • Baptism in the Holy Spirit • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit • Water Baptism • Repentance • Sanctification • Jesus' blood • Jesus Christ in all believers • The baptism in the Holy Spirit • The gifts of the Holy Spirit • The Church •
Our statement of faith.
We believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is therefore the final authority on all doctrinal truths.
We believe The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are the Holy Trinity and are coequal and eternally God.
We believe Jesus:
• Is fully God.
• Was conceived by God the Father, through the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary’s womb.
• Came to earth as a man, lived without sin, and gave His life on the cross for the sins of mankind.
• Physically resurrected after 3 days.
• Is seated at the right hand of the Father and will one day return in His power and Glory.
We believe that:
• Man was created by God and was in perfect relationship with God. But by their choice, they fell and chose another way.
• Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice for both our sinfulness and our sins, allowing all who believe to no longer have the penalty of sin, which is death.
• We find salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ: in his death, burial and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God and is not a result of good works or human efforts.
• This begins the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, developing the character of Christ within us.
We believe that:
• First given at Pentecost, the Baptism of the Spirit is to empower all believers to preach the gospel throughout the whole earth.
• Evidence of a Spirit filled life are the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
We believe that the Holy Spirit manifests Himself through a variety of spiritual gifts including wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.
We believe that the church is the Body of Christ, with the purpose to fulfil the Great Commission.
We believe that water baptism:
• Is Part of a believer’s decision to join in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
• It is not simply symbolic. When we are obedient in being baptised, a spiritual transformation occurs.
We believe that communion is taken in remembrance of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross, with the bread and grape juice, signifying the Body and the Blood of Jesus which was given for the salvation of all. This can be done personally, as a family, or corporately.
We believe that as expressed in the Scriptures, marriage is the covenantal sacred bond between one man and one woman, which is publicly entered into before God.
We believe that:
• Jesus Christ healed the sick as a part of His life and ministry.
• Healing is something that was bought on the cross by Jesus' sacrifice and is a sign of God working in our midst.