kingdom culture ministry college.
To raise bible based, Holy Ghost filled leaders, equipped to spread the Kingdom.
Leaders have a security in the word
Leaders equip themselves with the Word of God. They are confident in its authority, and in their ability to understand it correctly. By teaching them best practice methods for interpreting scripture, and exploring the historical context of the Bible, KCMC equips students to come to scripture in a way that checks their bias’s and reveals Gods true intended inspired message.
Leaders approach God in humility
At KCMC we believe that Godly study should lead to further encounter with God. When we study to know God more, we engage in a study where finding out more about God reveals more of the Mystery of God.
Leadership development is a work of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit transforms us as leaders through Spiritual Encounter, intentional study, and through the relationships we form. KCMC creates an environment where leaders are developed in community through study and exposure to experienced leaders.